He is one of my idols . Beliau gifted as he got the title 'proffessor' when he was just 40 . Can u imagine that ? Woah . Hebat kan ? And now.. dia tinggal di Madinah and work there . Best sangat-sangat . Dekat dengan masjid nabawi, dekat dengan raudhah, dekat dengan makam baginda . Awesome *O*
Ok . Anekdot Madinah . That's one of his books . Best buku tu . Dia cerita pasal hidup dia dekat madinah . Cara dia tulis, simple and sempoi je . Hehe . Senang faham . Time dia cerita, it feels like.. Allah, Dia Maha Mendengar . Banyak sangat ujian prof dekat sana . Tapi dia tak penah give up . Always hold on to Him . Always try his best . Always recite prayers and doa . Always making good deeds . Being an angel to anyone that needs his help . Timbul rasa kagum . He is an awesome person .
And, conclusion from what I've read, kita tak boleh give up . Kita kena ingat, Allah sentiasa bersama kita . Allah tak pernah cakap yang hidup kita akan senang sokmo, tapi Dia janji akan sentiasa bersama kita.. kan ?
Nikmat Allah yang manakah yang engkau dustakan ?
Salam .
1 comment :
haloo! :D http://thisismylifeeveryday.blogspot.com/2013/08/re-listed-untuk-segmen-my-bias-is-my.html
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