Saturday 25 May 2013

Yeah .

Heyyo ! New url, new template (using simple template, no more blogskin), new header (excited dengan comeback EXO) and ofcourse new post . Haha . Mengarut .

Kai wolf ~.~

Ehem . Post pasal comeback EXO membanjiri segala TL, Blogger even wall fb . Ohoh . Sape tak excited . We are talking about EXO ! rasa nak jerit kuat-kuat . Balik-balik rumah, tengok teaser 'The wolf' . Comel je teaser . Cool even macam pelik sikit . Haha .

When the beauty become the beast :D 

So, sekarang, cuti sekolah . 2 weeks . Ohoh . Homework tak banyak, just tinggal hw bm . Hehe . So cuti ni akan dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya untuk improve addmath . My addmath.. I just couldnt grab even an A minus . So sad . 62, just a B pluz . Need to work harder . No . Not harder . Need to work SMARTER !

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